You’ll be directed to the Harland Clarke website to place your order, but you will get special pricing as a Costco member.Here’s what to do if you want to order checks: Huntington Unlimited Plus Business Checking $1,000 BonusĪxos Bank Basic Business Checking $200 BonusĬostco allows their members to order checks online through Harland Clarke. Morgan Self-Directed Investing Up To $625 Bonus Huntington Business Checking 100 $100 Bonus
Huntington Unlimited Business Checking $400 Bonus SoFi Checking and Savings Account $325 Bonus OUR CURRENT TOP PROMOTIONSĬhase Business Complete Checking® $300 BonusĪxos Bank Business Interest Checking $200 Bonus Continue reading to learn how to order checks from Costco. What’s even better is that retailers, like Costco, still offer standard checks for their members. If you find yourself running low on checks, ordering more is quite a simple process. Even though online payments have become more popular over the last couple of years, some people still haven’t shifted over to that method of payment. Your checkbook probably hasn’t seen the light of day as it once did, but that doesn’t mean checks have entirely gone out of style.